International Organizations

  • Paper Attacks ISDS Inclusion in Trade Agreements

    February 24, 2016

    A paper published by the Transnational Institute calls on countries to defend environmental interests by rejecting international trade deals that give "special rights" to foreign investors through investor-state dispute settlement ("ISDS") mechanisms, which permit the settlement of complaints from businesses seeking to protect their investments from government action.

  • Huizinga: ICC Shows European Commitment to Global Governance

    February 24, 2016

    Todd Huizinga of the Acton Institute writes that the commitment of EU members to the empowerment and expansion of the International Criminal Court ("ICC") and the US's disaffection with the institution demonstrate a growing clash between the US and Europe on the use of global governance to solve world problems that may one day become irresolvable.

  • NYT Highlights UN Lapses in Sex-Abuse Cases

    February 23, 2016

    An editorial in The New York Times documents the gap between the UN's "zero-tolerance" policy on sex abuse of minors by its peacekeepers since 2003 and its enforcement of this policy, as allegations of sex abuse relating to the organization's peacekeeping operations in the Central African Republic continue to surface.

  • UN Committee: Australia Violated Rights of Guantanamo Detainee

    February 22, 2016

    The UN Human Rights Committee has found that Australia violated international human rights law by imprisoning former Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks following his trial by US military commission and his return to Australia to serve out the remainder of his prison term.

  • UN Blames 2015 Natural Disasters on Climate Change

    February 22, 2016

    A report from the UN Office of Disaster Risk Reduction seeks to demonstrate that climate-related disasters, including droughts and floods, "dominated disaster trends" in 2015 and that countries must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit natural disaster risks "now and in the future."

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