G-7 Pledges Action on Fossil Fuel Subsidies
June 10, 2016
In a declaration following their recent meeting in Japan, leaders of the G-7 group of countries pledged to end their support of "inefficient" fossil fuel subsidies by the year 2025 in order to help combat global warming.
OSCE Official Warns Italy on Defamation Legislation
June 10, 2016
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, has called on the Italian Senate to consider legislation increasing the maximum criminal punishment for defamation in light of the legislation's potential chilling effects on the freedom of speech and the press.
World Bank Seeks Climate Action in Tourism Industry
June 10, 2016
A recent World Bank event in Morocco explored how governments of countries on the Mediterranean Sea must respond to the threats of climate change to their large tourism industries.
UN Agent Scrutinizes Impacts of EU Budget Measures
June 09, 2016
UN Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and human rights Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky recently visited Brussels to meet with EU officials, national human rights institutions, and NGOs to assess the impacts of EU "austerity policies and economic adjustment programmes" on the fulfillment of economic and social rights in EU member states.
WEF Meeting Promotes ASEAN Integration
June 09, 2016
National leaders at a recent World Economic Forum on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations called for greater integration of policies among the countries comprising the economic area in order to contribute to faster economic growth.