International Organizations

  • World Bank Pushes Principles for "Dialogue" on Climate

    June 03, 2016

    The World Bank Group and other international organizations have introduced a set of six "Principles for Dialogue on Climate Action" aimed at furthering proposals on climate change at the global, national, and local level to fulfill the UN climate deal agreed in Paris.

  • NGOs Express Concern on International Cooperation

    June 03, 2016

    The Council on Foreign Relations' initiative of 26 global nongovernmental organizations called the Council of Councils has found certain efforts at intergovernmental cooperation across the global to be lacking, particularly in the areas of terrorism and preventing conflicts within countries.

  • AI Seeks Abandonment of British Bill of Rights Plans

    June 03, 2016

    In a submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Amnesty International raises concerns that the introduction of a British Bill of Rights to replace the current UK Human Rights Act would violate Britain's international legal obligations and calls for the removal of restrictions on abortion in Northern Ireland.

  • Bosworth: G-7 Declines in Global Economic Governance

    June 01, 2016

    Prior to a recent meeting of leaders of the Group of 7 countries in Japan, Barry Bosworth of the Brookings Institution highlighted the declining role of the G-7 in governance of the global economy compared to more diversified groups, such as the G-20, that "can make greater claim to being representative of participating countries."

  • NGO Condemns UNHRC for Failure on Rights

    May 25, 2016

    In testimony at the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Executive Director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer asserted that the UN Human Rights Council has violated its charter by electing systemic human rights violators as members and targeting Israel for special scrutiny.

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