International Organizations

  • NGO Calls for External Review of UN Sex Abuse Claims

    February 03, 2016

    George Russell reports that the nongovernmental organization AIDS-Free World is calling on the UN to establish an independent body composed of judges, academics, authorities, and others to review claims of sex abuse against peacekeepers working with the UN and bring cases directly to UN member governments.

  • WHO Calls for Measures on Smoking in Films

    February 03, 2016

    The UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") has warned that films portraying characters who smoke are coaxing children to develop tobacco habits and has called for countries to adopt countermeasures such as adult ratings for such films, a ban on the display of tobacco brands, and a bar to public subsidies for films displaying tobacco use.

  • ICC Investigates Georgia-Russia Conflict

    February 03, 2016

    CNN reports that the International Criminal Court ("ICC") has authorized its prosecutor's office to investigate potential war crimes committed by military forces in the conflict between the Republic of Georgia and Russia in 2008.

  • UN Urges National Policy Alignment with SDGs

    February 03, 2016

    In recent remarks, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on countries around the world to pursue the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), a comprehensive set of aspirations on social and environmental issues the UN is seeking to achieve by the year 2030, in national law and administrative rules.

  • UN Launches "Women's Empowerment" Panel

    February 02, 2016

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has announced the international organization's establishment of a High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment, which will push for an end to "structural barriers to women's economic empowerment" in countries around the world.

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