Ferguson: Ideologies Increasingly Viewed in ‘Religious Light'
June 22, 2021
Prominent historian, Niall Ferguson, warns that society is increasingly applying religious feelings to political figures and ideologies, in particular in regards to science.
Supreme Court Unanimous for Catholic Foster Agency that Excludes Same-Sex Couples
June 21, 2021
The Supreme Court, In a 9-0 ruling, sided with a Catholic foster agency against the city of Philadelphia over whether the agency should be banned from participating in the city's foster program because it excludes same-sex couples, citing the the First Amendment and that the agency only wished to be allowed to continue serving in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs.
Goldberg: The ACLU's Inside Battle over Free Speech
June 21, 2021
Bernard Goldberg writing in The Hill describes the recent progressive evolution of the 101 year old American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), whose mission has been to defend free speech for all, but recently has made the move to only defend those whose cause is sufficiently woke.
National Association of Scholars takes on Civics Education Proposal
June 21, 2021
Peter W. Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, which opposes the proposal, “Educating for American Democracy”, explains past initiatives for transforming civics education and how this current proposal’s framework, Roadmap to Educating for American Democracy, imposes a politically progressive program of instruction on almost all American students.
NATO Will Address Climate Change
June 14, 2021
NATO stated for the first time that it will address the issue of climate change by factoring in environmental concerns as part of the military alliance's activities, including conducting annual assessments on climate change.