AI Calls for Global Compact on Sharing Refugees
May 17, 2016
Amnesty International has called on governments participating in various international meetings in 2016 to address the global migration crisis to agree to a "Global Compact" that would establish a permanent system of distributing refugees, including through "expedited" routes in the case of refugee emergencies, based in international human rights and refugee law.
IMF Warns of UK Economic Contraction After Brexit
May 16, 2016
In its annual report on the British economy, the International Monetary Fund intervened in the debate over whether the UK should leave the EU by predicting that such an exit could lead to an economic downturn in the country and decrease the prices of housing and shares.
UN Seeks Answers to Climate-Induced "Internal Displacement"
May 13, 2016
The head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Robert Glasser, has cited a UN-supported report asserting that climate change is increasingly responsible for displacement of people within countries to call for the development of new capabilities to manage risks of climate disasters and to provide housing to people displaced by global warming.
Academic Calls for Recognition of Differing Approaches to Dignity
May 12, 2016
In an upcoming article in the Notre Dame Law Review, Professor Mark Movsesian calls for lawyers to abandon efforts to reach universal consensus on the meaning of human dignity in favor of more limited approach that respects the "margin of appreciation" to be afforded to local cultural traditions.
UN Proposes Global Governance of Migration Policy
May 11, 2016
AP reports that, ahead of a meeting of the UN General Assembly in September on migration issues, the UN has issued a document proposing a global governance system led by the UN that allocates responsibility for taking in refugees and migrants and calling on the UN to develop a campaign against xenophobia.