International Organizations

  • Article Questions WHO Leadership in Wake of Ebola Response

    May 11, 2016

    Yanzhong Huang of the Council on Foreign Relations pinpoints both financial and structural reasons for the World Health Organization's failures in its response to the ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, including lack of strong leadership and reallocation of resources from pandemic responses to prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

  • Businesses Sign on to NGO Initiative on Recruitment

    May 11, 2016

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business has announced that five large companies have joined the NGO-supported Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment that seeks to place pressure on employers around the world to pay the costs of recruitment of their workers.

  • UN Bodies Criticize Limited Protection of Breastfeeding

    May 10, 2016

    The UN's World Health Organization and UN Children's Fund have issued a report calling on governments to ramp up efforts to promote breastfeeding by outlawing "biased" advertising for breast-milk substitutes and spotlighting their creation of a monitoring network to counter such advertising.

  • UN Committee Calls for Consultation over UK Nuclear Plant

    May 09, 2016

    The UN Economic and Social Council has issued a report stating that the UK is not in compliance with its international obligations to consult with its European neighbors on potential cross-border impacts of its plans to build a nuclear power plant in England.

  • UN Body Blames Israel for "Deteriorating" Human Rights Landscape

    May 09, 2016

    A UN Special Committee has issued an evaluation of Israeli practices in the "occupied" Palestinian territories, based on testimony from NGOs, UN agents, and Palestinian representatives, that criticizes Israel for the impacts of heightened security measures a "faulty justice system" on the human rights of Palestinians.

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