UN Agent: Climate Commitments Fail to Uphold Human Rights
April 28, 2016
While praising the inclusion of language in the recent UN climate deal linking climate change and human rights, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment John Knox warns that current commitments to reduce greenhouse gases under the deal will fail to sufficiently reduce global warming and therefore do not uphold the human rights obligations of the states.
Article: Global Economic Governance Requires Strong IMF
April 28, 2016
James Boughton of the Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") writes that the governments must focus their development of systematic global governance of monetary policy and the economy in a strengthened and more independent International Monetary Fund ("IMF").
UN Observer: India Must Implement Right to Housing
April 28, 2016
The Times of India reports that, after a monitoring visit to India, UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing Leilani Farha called for the country to develop national housing legislation based on international human rights law, including by focusing on rights to "security of tenure" and "living in dignity."
Governments Sign UN Climate Agreement
April 28, 2016
At a signing ceremony at UN headquarters in New York last week, 175 governments signed an agreement to limit the greenhouse gas emissions in their countries by certain defined amounts and to report on a periodic basis to a UN body regarding their progress in reducing these emissions in an effort to counter global warming.
Experts: US Congress Must Halt UNFCCC Funding
April 27, 2016
Brett Schaefer and Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation write that legislators must not allow the Obama Administration to "circumvent" US law by funding the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ("UNFCCC") following the accession of the Palestinian Authority to the UNFCCC treaty.