Coalition Works Toward Global Mechanism on Carbon Taxation
April 22, 2016
At its first High Level Assembly in Washington, DC, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, launched during the 2015 UN climate talks in Paris, began monitoring the progress of a global system imposing a tax on carbon emissions and collaborating with governments, nongovernmental organizations, and businesses to support this system.
Oxfam Pushes Food Companies to Reform Supply Chains
April 22, 2016
In its annual update on its Behind the Brands campaign, the nongovernmental organization Oxfam calls on food and beverage businesses to go beyond social and environmental commitments and to use their influence to impose these commitments on suppliers to ensure "a more sustainable food system."
NGOs Use US Law to Challenge Business Supply Chains
April 22, 2016
Tim Fernholz writes that nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") are preparing to use new US legislation to force federal authorities to halt the importation of products whose often-complex supply chains include what these NGOs assert to be forced labor.
UN Chief Seeks Trillions in Funding for SDGs
April 21, 2016
At a recent UN forum on development finance in New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the mobilization of trillions of dollars annually, using the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on development as a "starting point," to fund the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") for the year 2030.
UN Official Forms Coalition on Gender Pay Issues
April 21, 2016
In a press release, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka states that she is working to develop an international coalition that will press governments around the world to enact measures that close the "gender pay gap" through policies that provide pay for domestic work and the establishment of a "universal, free childcare system."