International Organizations

  • Experts Urge Financial Pressure on UN to Counter Sex Abuse

    April 20, 2016

    George Russell writes that, as new reports of sex abuse by UN peacekeeping forces continue to come to light, some experts argued at a subcommittee hearing in the US House of Representatives that Congress must threaten to withhold funding until the UN approves a proper, independent investigation of the scandal.

  • UN Chief Sparks Criticism by Scrapping Reproductive Report

    April 20, 2016

    An article from C-Fam asserts that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's recent decision not to issue a "reproductive health" report will make it more difficult for observers to track UN spending on reproductive health efforts in the context of the UN's increased support for "sexual and reproductive health rights," often interpreted to include family planning and abortion.

  • UN Agents Call for Rights-based Drug Regime

    April 20, 2016

    On the eve of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem, a group of UN human rights observers have called on governments to adopt a more human rights-focused approach to drugs and to abandon drug policies that rely on enforcement through criminalization or embrace "the harmful concept of a 'drug-free world.'"

  • HRW: UN Climate Deal Requires "Urgent" Human Rights Action

    April 20, 2016

    Katharina Rall of Human Rights Watch ("HRW") warns that nongovernmental organizations will be ramping up pressure on governments to "urgently" implement portions of the UN deal on climate change that call on governments to "respect, promote and consider" human rights in addressing global warming.

  • UN Rights Chief Warns of "Ugly" US Election Rhetoric

    April 19, 2016

    In recent remarks at Case Western Reserve University Law School, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein warned that the current US election campaign had conjured the “ugly phantom of racial and religious division” and indicated that the world would be closely monitoring the Republican Party's choice of candidate.

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