Booker: Global Governance Trends Minimize EU Importance
April 19, 2016
Journalist Christopher Booker asserts, in the context of the referendum on the UK's membership in the EU, that international organizations engaged in a broader push for global governance are overshadowing the importance of the EU in threats to democratic decision-making in Britain.
Working Party Objects to EU-US "Privacy Shield"
April 19, 2016
The so-called Article 29 Working Party, which is charged with reviewing EU data agreements, has issued objections to the European Commission's data transfer deal with the US, called "Privacy Shield," finding, among other problems, that the deal fails to comply with the bloc's data retention principles and that it does not prevent indiscriminate US government collection of personal data.
Newman: UN Sex Abuse Problem Lies in Contributing Countries
April 19, 2016
News presenter Cathy Newman writes that the UN cannot expect to solve the sex abuse scandal in its peacekeeping forces as long as it continues to accept troops from countries whose armies are guilty of "appalling" human rights abuses.
Schaefer Calls for Greater Accountability in UN Peacekeeping
April 19, 2016
In testimony before a subcommittee in the US House of Representatives, Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation calls on Congress to threaten financial consequences if the UN does not make its peacekeeping operations more transparent and accountable, including by taking steps to hold contributing countries responsible for criminal actions of their troops.
Article Calls for Global Governance Progress at G20 Summit
April 19, 2016
Former Chinese official and Ambassador to the World Trade Organization Zhenyu Sun writes on what he sees as opportunities for attendees at the upcoming Group of 20 ("G20") summit in Hangzhou, China, to advance global economic governance through agreements on trade and development funding.