International Organizations

  • OECD Seeks Local "Best Practices" in Migrant Resettlement

    December 18, 2015

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has issued a call for "best practices" among local authorities in European countries in integrating refugees into their economies in order to feed into a broad analysis on "challenges and promising practices" for the acceptance of such refugees.

  • Coalition Pushes US to Recognize Rights in Climate Deal

    December 18, 2015

    A coalition of nongovernmental organizations recently published a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry, in the lead-up to the recent UN climate conference in Paris, calling for the US to support recognition in the deal that countries must respect the global human-rights agenda when responding to threats from climate change.

  • UN Committee Criticizes Polish Abortion Restrictions

    December 17, 2015

    In a recent review of Poland, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child called for the government to loosen restrictions on access to abortion and to improve access to "sexual and reproductive health services" for adolescent boys and girls.

  • WHO Predicts Lives Saved Through Climate Action

    December 17, 2015

    In the lead-up to the recent UN climate summit in Paris, the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") placed pressure on delegates by estimating that climate change currently causes tens of thousands of deaths per year and that a deal to reduce global warming could save 2.4 million lives per year by the year 2050.

  • UN's Ban Calls for Global Acceptance of Refugees

    December 17, 2015

    Arguing that "sealing borders, criminalization and detention will not solve any problems," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for countries to "open their hearts" to refugees and to coordinate a global response to provide legal avenues through which refugees can immigrate.

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