International Organizations

  • NGOs Outline Agenda for Next UN Secretary-General

    April 14, 2016

    A group of nongovernmental organizations, including Amnesty International, has produced an eight-point agenda for the next UN Secretary-General, who will be nominated by the end of 2016, including a "new global approach to refugees" and strengthening the UN's human rights agenda.

  • UN Talks Target Global Governance of Ocean Resources

    April 13, 2016

    George Russell writes that a UN preparatory committee has begun talks aimed at developing a global, legally binding instrument on UN management of ocean resources that would require the production of "environmental impact assessments" for development projects involving the high seas.

  • World Bank Accelerates Spending on Climate Change

    April 13, 2016

    AP reports that, as its senior director for climate change indicates that the organization is "making climate change a central part of everything we're doing," the World Bank has released a detailed climate action plan that will involve large boosts in spending to assist poor countries in meeting their pledges under the UN climate deal agreed last December.

  • Article: Paris Climate Deal Could Bind Next US President

    April 13, 2016

    The Washington Post reports that, under the terms of a UN climate deal agreed in Paris in December 2015, the agreement could bind the next US President to follow its reporting and other provisions until withdrawal is permitted in 2019 at the earliest.

  • Article: UN Pressure Has Led to Permissive Abortion Laws

    April 13, 2016

    Attorney Kelsey Zorzi of ADF International has published an article describing how the UN's global governance initiatives have succeeded in pressuring countries to adopt more permissive laws on abortion.

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