International Organizations

  • Tonkin: Australia is Becoming a Surveillance State

    June 02, 2021

    Casey Tonkin writing in ACS Information Age argues that Australia is increasingly giving power to law enforcement, citing the  Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020, which, if passed, will give extra power to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), allowing agencies to obtain warrants to modify and delete data, collect intelligence from online communities, and take over the online accounts of supposed criminals.

  • NY Post: IAEA Missing Key Iranian Nuclear Data

    June 01, 2021

    The NY Post reports that a confidential Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) memo was discovered by the Associated Press and  found that the agency not has access to key data about Iran’s nuclear program for the last three months after Tehran began restricting international inspections of its nuclear facilities.

  • U.S. Orders Investigation into Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory

    June 01, 2021

    Politico reports that U.S. Representative McCaul is calling Covid-19’s origin the « worst cover-up in human history » as evidence mounts pointing to likely lab leak, as President Biden calls on U.S. intelligence agencies to conduct a 90-day investigation and a potential bipartisan congressional probe into the origins of the Coronavirus.

  • Butcher: The Battle for Civics Education and Preserving America’s Character

    May 28, 2021

    Jonathan Butcher, Will Skillman Fellow in Education at The Heritage Foundation, explores the new initiative called Educating for American Democracy that aims to improve civic education in schools by increasing federal spending and U.S. Department of Education activities.

  • Florida Governor Signs Bill Against ‘Censorship' on Social Media

    May 26, 2021

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law that would force tech companies to pay large fines if they remove political candidates off their social media platforms as well as giving Florida residents the ability to sue up to $100,000 if they feel they are being mistreated.

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