ILO Calls for Legislation on Domestic Workers' "Right to Rest"
April 08, 2016
The UN's International Labour Organization ("ILO") has called for countries, through legislation or regulation, to reduce the working time of domestic workers to provide for their "essential human right" to rest.
Schaefer, Rosenzweig Call for US Caution on ICANN Transition
April 08, 2016
Brett Schaefer and Paul Rosenzweig of the Heritage Foundation write that, due to serious concerns with language in a proposal by a working group seeking to transfer the monitoring of ICANN, a body charged with coordinating internet functions, to a multistakeholder entity, the US should maintain stewardship of ICANN until it is certain that the new system works.
UN Audit Reveals Lapses in Bribery Case
April 08, 2016
Reuters reports that a confidential document from the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, generated as part of the office's investigation of a bribery scheme implicating former UN General Assembly President John Ashe, has indicated a number of lapses in the UN's links with the nongovernmental organizations at the center of the scandal.
Li: China Increases Role in Global Governance
April 08, 2016
Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution writes that the recent visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Washington, DC, for a conference on nuclear security underscores the increasing role of China in global governance efforts on issues ranging from climate change to the world economy.
UN Meeting Promotes Agenda of Economic Redistribution
April 07, 2016
Calling for a "fair global society," UN officials at a recent "special meeting on inequality" asserted that national leaders must address growing economic inequality between countries and within countries, blaming the former on "illicit financial flows" and other unethical international activity, while blaming the latter on lack of "political will."