International Organizations

  • OSCE Trains Officials on Human Rights of Migrants

    April 07, 2016

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") recently held a training course in Armenia on how OSCE countries must manage migration in a way that corresponds with their obligations under international human rights law.

  • Diplomats Hasten UN Deal-making Before US Election

    April 07, 2016

    Colum Lynch writes that UN diplomats, fearing the next US President will be less "friendly" toward deals at the international organization, are hurrying forward agreements and resolutions on which they seek to cooperate with the Obama Administration, including a UN Security Council resolution seeking to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict, before the November US elections.

  • UN Officials Seek Immediate, Comprehensive Climate Action

    April 06, 2016

    Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme Achim Steiner and Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Christiana Figueres have published an op-ed in which they call for immediate action from countries to restrict a wide range of greenhouse gases under the UN climate agreement agreed in Paris last year.

  • UN Rights Chief Expresses Alarm over EU-Turkey Deal

    April 06, 2016

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein has expressed doubts over the compliance of the deal between EU countries and Turkey, providing for the return to Turkey of migrants attempting to enter the EU, with international human rights law and has called for the EU to open new avenues for regular migration by refugees and others.

  • Bayefsky: US Must Withdraw from HRC over Israel-Bashing

    April 06, 2016

    Anne Bayefsky writes that, in light of the annual ritual in which the UN Human Rights Council ("HRC") adopts an array of resolutions condemning Israel for rights violations, and a condemnation of Israel by the UN Commission on the Status of Women for violating the rights of Palestinian women, the US must refuse to sit on the HRC and decline to "legitimize" the UN.

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