International Organizations

  • Article: China Should Champion Global Investment Governance

    December 09, 2015

    An article from the Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") calls on China, in its temporary role as president of the G20 group of countries, to move toward the development of a "global framework for investment governance" that simplifies currently fragmented bilateral agreements on investment regulation.

  • Observers Call for Global Sovereign-Debt Regime

    December 09, 2015

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published an article calling for the establishment of an international regime on sovereign debt based on a set of nine principles on sovereign-debt restructuring approves by the UN General Assembly in September.

  • ILO Applauds G20 "Priorities" on Economic Inequality

    December 08, 2015

    An article from the UN's International Labour Organization ("ILO") praises the pay-off of the agency's involvement in meetings with Group of 20 ("G20") leaders that it says has helped lead to the adoption of "policy priorities" on reducing economic inequality and making labor markets "more inclusive."

  • Observers Call for Rejection of International TTIP Court

    December 08, 2015

    Ted Bromund and James Roberts of the Heritage Foundation and Dr. Riddhi Dasgupta write that the US should oppose, in its negotiation of a Transnational Trade and Investment Partnership ("TTIP") agreement with the EU, the creation of a permanent "Investment Court System" that would lack checks on its authority and be empowered to award pecuniary damages.

  • Schaefer: Reduce UN Salary Costs

    December 08, 2015

    Asserting that UN salaries have risen higher than the salaries of similar staff in the US, Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation has called for the US to urge the reduction of UN salaries, benefits, and allowances, and to seek a freeze in UN salaries until they match the amount received in the US federal government.

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