UN Calls for "Decoupling" Water from Economic Expansion
April 05, 2016
Opening an additional front in the UN's fight for governments to implement its "sustainable development" agenda, the UN Environment Programme's International Resource Panel has predicted that half the world will face a water crisis by 2030 and has called for large government investments in water efficiency and sustainability to "decouple" water from economic growth.
Countries Petition UN Security Council on Climate Change
April 04, 2016
AFP reports that the UN's "Small Island Developing States" group has petitioned the organization's Security Council for "financial and technical assistance" to confront the threats they face from global warming.
India May Set Precedent with WTO Challenge to US Visa Fee
April 04, 2016
Edward Alden, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, writes that India's challenge under the rules of the World Trade Organization ("WTO") to a fee instituted under a US visa program is unprecedented and could have lasting effects on the US's negotiation of binding migration rules in trade agreements.
UN Rapporteur: Denmark Must Prevent Religious "Exclusion"
April 04, 2016
UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief Heiner Beilefeldt has called for the Government of Denmark to "prevent feelings of stigmatization and exclusion among religious minorities," including "secular people" and Muslims, by promoting a "more inclusive" version of "Danishness."
UN Agent Criticizes Liberia for Privatizing Education
April 04, 2016
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education Kishore Singh has criticized the Government of Liberia's decision to contract with a private company to provide primary and pre-primary education to its citizens, labeling the move a "blatant violation" of the country's international obligations on education and calling instead for more funding of the public education system.