International Organizations

  • UN Agent: EU Is "Abandoning" Obligations on Rights of Migrants

    April 01, 2016

    After the negotiation of an agreement on the return of migrants from the EU to Turkey, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants François Crépeau called for EU countries, instead of returning migrants, to create "regular, safe and cheap mobility solutions" through which migrants could enter the bloc and called on the EU to impose a mandatory relocation system.

  • EU Committee Head Calls for Binding Targets on UN Urban Agenda

    April 01, 2016

    Praising the upcoming release of the EU's own Urban Agenda, President of the European Committee on the Regions Markku Markkula has called for the UN New Urban Agenda, which pushes the international organization's "sustainable development" objectives in urban areas, to be "transparent, participatory and based on binding objectives."

  • US Charges Nonprofit Employee in UN Corruption Scheme

    April 01, 2016

    AP reports that US prosecutors have charged an officer at a humanitarian organization for laundering money through the organization's accounts from China through the US to pay for a diplomatic post for her husband in a scheme hatched by former UN General Assembly President John Ashe and UN ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda Francis Lorenzo.

  • Former UN Official Seeks Comprehensive Reforms

    March 31, 2016

    Arguing that in spite of its positive aspirations the UN is mired in bureaucracy and incompetence, former UN Assistant Secretary General Anthony Banbury has called for substantial reforms in the international organization's infrastructure, including shielding budget allocation decisions from politics and appointing an external panel to review the UN's personnel system.

  • UN Report Forces Logging Policy Shift in Tasmania

    March 31, 2016

    While arguing that the review of conditions in a Tasmanian region designated as a World Heritage Area ("WHA") by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") contained "critical mistakes," the Tasmanian Government has accepted a UNESCO report calling for a ban on logging of special timber in the WHA and "strict conditions" on tourism development.

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