UNHRC Hosts Panel on Human Rights and Climate Change
March 09, 2016
The UN Human Rights Council ("UNHRC") recently hosted a panel discussion during which speakers called on governments to act to counter climate change to prevent violations of human rights, particularly of nontraditional economic, social, and cultural rights.
Academic Criticizes CETA Investment Court Proposal
March 09, 2016
Professor David Schneiderman of the University of Toronto writes that the international investment court proposed as part of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement ("CETA") does little more than the investor-state dispute settlement system, present in many trade deals, to prevent arbitration that is overly friendly to foreign investors.
UN Signals Bureaucratic Obstacles to Justice for Sex Abuse
March 09, 2016
George Russell writes that civil society observers are criticizing a new report from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon publicizing more allegations of sex abuse made against UN-affiliated peacekeepers and indicating that bureaucratic obstacles at the UN and in member states are slowing justice for victims of this abuse.
UN Observers Seek Rights-focused Response to Flint Water Crisis
March 09, 2016
A group of UN human rights mandate holders have called on the US to respond to lead contamination in the water supply in Flint, Michigan, by focusing on the human rights aspects of the situation and by ratifying more UN rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
UN Agent: Homelessness Is a Human Rights Violation
March 09, 2016
Blaming homelessness on factors including "persistent inequality" and the "unfair distribution of land and property," UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing Leilani Farha has called on countries to stop treating housing as a "commodity" and instead to treat it as a human right.