HRW: Human Rights in Kenya Are at Stake in Climate Talks
October 28, 2015
Human Rights Watch ("HRW") warns that climate change is threatening the human rights of the indigenous peoples of the Turkana region in northwest Kenya through droughts and weather change and that dealing with such threats is an "international priority," including at negotiating sessions over a global climate deal in 2015.
OECD: Countries Are Not Living up to Climate Standards
October 28, 2015
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has published a report examining the climate policies of OECD members and non-members and calling on these countries to do more to meet climate-change standards and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
UN Event Pushes Countries to Tackle "Bullying"
October 28, 2015
At a recent side event of the UN General Assembly, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children Marta Santos Pais and other officials urged countries to address the phenomenon of bullying, particularly "cyberbullying," through measures such as guidance to schools on how to prevent and respond to bullying incidents.
UN Agency Adopts Global Food Framework
October 28, 2015
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization has launched a Framework for Action on Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises to coordinate "comprehensive and effective policies and action" on food aid around the world.
Article Seeks Strengthened UN Governance Institutions
October 27, 2015
An editorial in The National Catholic Review supports calls from the Catholic Church and others to strengthen UN institutions of global governance in order to facilitate international action on climate change, security, and other issues relating to the promotion of a "just world."