International Organizations

  • The Hill: Biden Set to Waive sanctions for Nord Stream 2

    May 19, 2021

    The U.S. State Department is set to waive sanctions that would affect the construction of a Russian company’s pipeline into Germany, putting forward that there is sanctionable conduct but the department will suspend the application of sanctions citing the potential pressure it would bring to the U.S.-German relationship.

  • Trump’s 1776 Commission Combats Biden’s Critical Race Education

    May 19, 2021

    Despite being banned by President Biden, Former President Trump’s 1776 Commission continues its fight to promote pro-americas curriculum and has recently sent a letter to the Department of Education urging against the Biden administrations goals of requiring critical race theory in America’s classrooms.

  • Barnes: The WHO Failed its One Main Job

    May 17, 2021

    Terry Barnes writes in The Spectator that the World Health Organization (WHO) has failed its one main job, saving lives and livelihoods from global devastation, citing the review of the initial response to the Wuhan virus by an independent panel, co-chaired by former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark, highlighting that the WHO was too slow in declaring a public health emergency in January 2020 when the coronavirus could have been contained in regional China.

  • Shalin: Hofstadter’s Warning of University Decline Has Been Ignored

    May 13, 2021

    Director of Policy Analysis at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, Jay Schalin analyses Historian Richard Hofstadter’s unheeded warnings in the 1960’s to academia to be wary of politicizing the university, which Schalin highlights has led to today’s « woke » campus.

  • States Limit use of Facial Recognition by Police

    May 10, 2021

    At least seven states and nearly two dozen cities have limited the use of facial recognition technology to solve crimes, like human trafficking, as concerns are rising over civil rights violations, racial bias and invasion of privacy.

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