International Organizations

  • NGOs Call for UN Human Rights Mechanism in Yemen

    February 24, 2016

    A group of nongovernmental organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have called on the UN Human Rights Council to establish an "international mechanism" to investigate alleged human rights violations committed by all parties to the ongoing armed conflict in Yemen and to facilitate "fair trials" of violators.

  • HRW: NATO's Migrant Mission Violates Human Rights Principles

    February 24, 2016

    While conceding that an operation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ("NATO") returning to Turkey migrants trying to enter Greece does not "technically" violate European human rights instruments, Human Rights Watch ("HRW") argues that the operation undercuts the basis of these instruments and demands that European countries provide a path of entry for migrants.

  • Article Calls for Reintegration of Cuba at IMF

    February 24, 2016

    Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") Senior Fellow James Boughton argues that, following up on the closer relationship between the US and Cuba under President Barack Obama, the US should make clear to Cuba that it will not seek to block any application from the country for membership at the International Monetary Fund ("IMF").

  • Paper Attacks ISDS Inclusion in Trade Agreements

    February 24, 2016

    A paper published by the Transnational Institute calls on countries to defend environmental interests by rejecting international trade deals that give "special rights" to foreign investors through investor-state dispute settlement ("ISDS") mechanisms, which permit the settlement of complaints from businesses seeking to protect their investments from government action.

  • Huizinga: ICC Shows European Commitment to Global Governance

    February 24, 2016

    Todd Huizinga of the Acton Institute writes that the commitment of EU members to the empowerment and expansion of the International Criminal Court ("ICC") and the US's disaffection with the institution demonstrate a growing clash between the US and Europe on the use of global governance to solve world problems that may one day become irresolvable.

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