CFR Explains Sustainable Development Goals, Critiques
September 25, 2015
The Council on Foreign Relations ("CFR") has released a backgrounder describing the comprehensive and ambitious agenda of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), to be adopted by countries in late September, and explaining the arguments of critics who say the unrealistic and voluminous nature of the goals will hamper their fulfillment.
Article Warns of UN Body's "Dangerous" Vision for Internet
September 25, 2015
Caitlin Dewey of The Washington Post writes that a report from the UN's Broadband Commission for Digital Development seeks a "dangerous" and "radical" new direction for the internet in which governments reduce online harassment by only agreeing to "license" social networks that pledge to proactively police posts from users.
NGO Meeting Pushes Comprehensive SDG Agenda
September 24, 2015
Laura Turner Seydel, daughter of media mogul Ted Turner, recounts a recent conference at the UN in which nongovernmental organizations praised their past and future role in the advancement of the international organization's Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), which she says will "transform the fate of humanity."
Murray: UN Should Adopt "Proven" Development Strategies
September 23, 2015
Highlighting the "ambitious" and counterproductive agenda of the current UN Sustainable Development Goals, Iain Murray of the Competitive Enterprise Institute argues for the adoption of "realistic" goals that offer a "proven path to prosperity," such as protecting property rights and advancing the rule of law.
Groves: US Senate Must Have Say on UN Climate Agreement
September 23, 2015
Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation writes that under the US Constitution's treaty clause, the President must submit to the Senate any protocol on countering climate change to which the US agrees at a UN conference in Paris later this year, given any such agreement's wide-ranging domestic implications.