International Organizations

  • US Adopts Term "Sexual Rights" for Use at UN

    September 18, 2015

    While cautioning that the US does not recognize the term as a concept enshrined in international human rights law, Deputy US Ambassador to the UN Richard Erdman recently announced at a meeting of UN Women that the US will adopt the term "sexual rights" - often interpreted in the international community to include abortion - in discussions on rights and development.

  • UN Creates Partnership to Push Sustainability Agenda

    September 17, 2015

    The UN has announced a new initiative, called the Sustainable Energy for All Partnership, that will seek to push the international organization's energy agenda following the adoption of its long-term Sustainable Development Goals.

  • UN Agent: Sovereign Debt Principles Are Legally Binding

    September 16, 2015

    The UN Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and human rights Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky argues that a recently adopted UN General Assembly resolution attempting to grant "rights" to debtor countries to restructure their obligations represents customary law and general principles of international law and is therefore legally binding.

  • Activist Calls for Link Between SDGs and UN Climate Deal

    September 16, 2015

    Human rights activist and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson has called on countries to agree to a strong climate change accord at negotiations in Paris in December in order to avoid "undermining" the UN's proposed Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), set to be adopted later this month.

  • NGO Pushes Integration of Human Rights in UN Climate Talks

    September 15, 2015

    Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Marc Limon has published an article on a website run by the World Economic Forum calling for countries to integrate the global human rights agenda in their negotiations over an agreement on countering climate change to be discussed at a UN conference in Paris in December.

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