International Organizations

  • Employees: UN Faces No Accountability for Abuse

    September 15, 2015

    The Guardian reports that current and former UN employees have criticized the international organization for its negative treatment of whistleblowers, sparking calls for the UN to create an independent "public accountability mechanism" overseen by member countries that would monitor reported abuse.

  • UNGA Vote Promotes Sovereign Debtor Rights

    September 14, 2015

    The UN General Assembly ("UNGA") has adopted a set of principles, opposed by countries including the US, the UK, and Germany, recognizing a right of debtor countries to restructure their debts and seeking immunity, except in limited circumstances, for governments from domestic court decisions relating to sovereign debt repayment.

  • Bollyky Calls for WTO Role in "Regulatory Coherence"

    September 14, 2015

    Council on Foreign Relations Fellow Thomas Bollyky has published a paper calling for greater involvement of the World Trade Organization ("WTO") in driving forward multinational agreements that coordinate national regulatory regimes in order to facilitate international production and trade.

  • WEF Calls for Measures Against Income Inequality

    September 09, 2015

    Citing its "negative economic and social impact," the World Economic Forum ("WEF") has produced a report calling for countries to reduce inequality of income using such measures as fiscal transfers and social protection schemes.

  • Countries Plan Presentation of "Climate Finance" Proposal

    September 09, 2015

    According to Christiana Figueres of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, a set of governments will present their plan to redistribute money to developing countries to fund the response to global warming at next month's World Bank and International Monetary Fund meeting in Peru.

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