International Organizations

  • OSCE Pushes Judicial Education on ECHR

    September 09, 2015

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") recently held a seminar in Western Ukraine on developing education courses for judges on applying the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

  • Academic: Human-Rights Education Seeks "Social Engineering"

    September 02, 2015

    Barend Vlaardingerbroek of the American University of Beirut writes that the global "human rights education" agenda pursued by Amnesty International and other activist organizations is part of a concerted attempt to pursue "social engineering" for children in Western school systems.

  • UN Calls for NGO Role in Development Goals

    September 02, 2015

    Speaking at a recent conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pushed legislators to make room for a large role he said should be played by nongovernmental organizations in the implementation of the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • OSCE Contest Pushes Link Between Climate Change, Security

    September 02, 2015

    The Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") has announced a contest in which participants create an image that represents the OSCE viewpoint that the effects of global warming increase security risks.

  • UN Watch Links Anti-Semitic Posts to UNRWA

    September 02, 2015

    The nongovernmental organization UN Watch has called upon the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees ("UNRWA") to remove all staff members associated with posting a number of images on social media celebrating anti-Semitism and violence.

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