International Organizations

  • WEF Seeks Global Governance to Capitalize on Technologies

    February 10, 2016

    Chriss Street writes that the recent World Economic Forum ("WEF") in Davos focused on how world actors from governments, business, and nongovernmental organizations could confront the coming "Fourth Industrial Revolution," involving "profound" advances in technology, to remain ahead of the curve in global regulatory governance.

  • NGO Networks Merge to Push Human Rights in ICT Sector

    February 10, 2016

    The Global Network Initiative has announced that it is adding seven major telecommunications companies from the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue to its network, which seeks to pressure information and communications technology ("ICT") businesses to adhere to principles of free expression and privacy rights in their dealings with national governments.

  • Activists Seek UN Investigation of US Water Contamination

    February 09, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Detroit Water Brigade has called for the UN Special Rapporteur on the management of hazardous materials Baskut Tuncak to visit Flint, Michigan, to investigate whether water contamination in that city violates international treaties.

  • UN Official: Zika Virus Shows Need for "Reproductive Health" Rights

    February 09, 2016

    Responding to government warnings in countries affected by the Zika virus to delay pregnancies, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein has called for increased access to "sexual and reproductive health services," including emergency contraception and abortion, in these countries.

  • Barfield: US-EU Data Deal Faces Obstacles

    February 08, 2016

    Claude Barfield of the American Enterprise Institute writes that, despite the trumpeting of a new data-privacy arrangement by US and EU officials, the apparently limited reforms included in the deal will promote skepticism of its merits by national officials and encourage lawsuits that may end in its displacement by the Court of Justice of the EU.

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