Schaefer Spotlights "Failings" of UNHRC
August 26, 2015
Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation writes that the UN Human Rights Commission ("UNHRC") has failed in its mandate to address "gross and systematic" human rights violations around the world in favor of focusing on Israeli actions and "niche" issues that have little real-world impact on human rights.
Israel Demands Investigation of UN Official over Remarks
August 26, 2015
Israel has called on the UN's Office of Internal Oversight Services to investigate the head of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Rima Khalaf for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias for various incidents, including a speech in which she seemed to compare Israel's status as a "Jewish State" to the causes of the Holocaust.
Reports Indicate Lack of Consequences for UN Rape Allegations
August 26, 2015
The Associated Press reports that members of UN peacekeeping forces who face allegations of rape are often not subject to any legal consequences in their home countries even when the allegations are substantiated.
NGO Proposes Model Law Governing Sovereign Debt
August 26, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper proposing that New York State or England adopt a model law that would serve as the governing standard for the restructuring of sovereign debt around the world.
UN Encounters New Sex Abuse Allegations
August 14, 2015
An article from George Russell indicates the complications the UN faces after human rights activists questioned the promptness of the organization's reaction to a sex abuse allegation against members of a UN peacekeeping force in the Central African Republic, the most recent in a number of such allegations against UN peacekeepers and their affiliates.