Report Outlines Shortcomings of WHO Ebola Response
July 08, 2015
An independent panel has issued a report detailing the shortcomings of the response of the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") to the recent ebola outbreak in West Africa and calling for an increase in WHO funding and an overhaul of the organization's emergency apparatus.
Legal Expert Questions Basis of UN Gaza Report
July 08, 2015
In a recent statement to the UN Human Rights Council, law professor and senior law of war adviser for the US Army Geoffrey Corn rejected the foundations of a UN report on the 2014 conflict in Gaza, arguing in part that the report "is not based on credible military operational exercise."
UN Agents Criticize Creditors for Greece Bailout Conditions
July 08, 2015
In a recent statement, two UN Independent Experts on human rights issues criticized the EU and IMF for demanding "retrogressive austerity measures" from Greece in return for further bailout funds.
UN Agents Relaunch Calls for US Death Penalty Abolition
July 07, 2015
In response to the recent sentencing of 2013 Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death, two UN observers have called on the US to outlaw the death penalty and argued that the sovereign authority of the states under the US federal system provides no excuse for the continuation of capital punishment.
CIGI Calls for Global Finance Governance to Counter Climate Change
July 07, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a report calling for international finance institutions to adopt policies to drive investments in projects that lead to "a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy" in order to counter global warming.