CIGI Calls for U.S. to Agree to IMF Overhaul
May 28, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has called on the U.S. to commit to wide-ranging reforms of the International Monetary Fund ("IMF") that would double the permanent contributions of IMF members and increase the voting power of "emerging markets" in the institution.
UN Meteorology Body Discusses Global Warming Strategy
May 28, 2015
Opening a session of the UN-backed World Meteorological Congress, which will consider the body's strategy in promoting the UN's global warming agenda, the Congress's Secretary-General Michel Jarraud stated that the body has a "moral duty to take action on climate change."
UN Calls for Tripling "Sustainable" Energy Financing
May 28, 2015
In an effort to promote the international climate change agenda, a recent report from the UN has called for countries around the world to triple their investment in the development of what the UN calls "sustainable" energy in order to permit universal access to such energy sources by 2030.
California Joins Climate Change Agreement
May 28, 2015
The International Business Times reports that the State of California has signed an international agreement among states, provinces, and countries to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and pressure leaders to adopt an "aggressive" treaty to fight climate change in UN negotiations.
UN Chief Pushes for Education to Produce “Global Citizens”
May 27, 2015
At the UN’s World Education Forum, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the Forum to produce a roadmap until 2030 that would focus on teaching students the UN’s human rights and sustainability agendas in order to encourage them to be “global citizens.”