International Organizations

  • ICANN Sees Future Internet Governance by Multilateral Group

    May 20, 2015

    The head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") Fadi Chehade has predicted that by the end of 2015 the oversight of ICANN, which controls the assignment of internet addresses, would be in the hands of a group of governments, civil society groups, and businesses, rather than the U.S.

  • Newman: "UN Dictators Club" Criticizes U.S. Rights Record

    May 20, 2015

    Alex Newman writes that a "Dictators Club" of autocratic, repressive regimes have taken advantage of the UN's Universal Periodic Review ("UPR") process recently to condemn the U.S. for alleged violations of nontraditional economic and social rights and refusals to submit to UN tribunals.

  • Saudi Arabia Seeks UNHRC Presidency

    May 15, 2015

    Arguing that the country is disqualified due to its frequent abuse of human rights, the nongovernmental organization UN Watch has called on the U.S. and EU to oppose Saudi Arabia's bid to be elected president of the UN Human Rights Council ("UNHRC").

  • Rhodes: Injection of Social Policy Has Politicized Human Rights

    May 15, 2015

    As the U.K. debates proposals to repeal the country's Human Rights Act in favor of a British Bill of Rights, Aaron Rhodes writes that such political disputes over human rights issues are the result of proponents of global governance seeking to expand the concept of human rights to accomplish social policy goals.

  • World Bank Pushes Carbon Tax Policy

    May 15, 2015

    The Japan Times reports that the World Bank is calling for countries around the world to adopt a set of policies, including putting a price on carbon emissions by businesses, in a bid to further the UN's agenda on climate change.

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