UN Official Seeks Global Compact on Refugee Sharing
October 21, 2015
In recent remarks, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees' Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Volker Türk called for countries to develop a "global compact" in which they agree to share the responsibility of taking in refugees.
UN Issues Revised Guidelines on Prisoner Treatment
October 21, 2015
The UN has released its Revised Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which seeks to place pressure on countries over prisoner treatment issues such as solitary confinement, access to health care, and "intrusive searches."
UN Guidelines Counsel Countries on Environmental Justice
October 21, 2015
The UN Environmental Programme has released guidelines that call for countries to close "gaps in legislation and legal norms" that may limit citizens' access to justice on environmental issues.
"V20" Countries Seek Climate Redistribution
October 16, 2015
Meeting in Lima, Peru, the so-called "Vulnerable 20" ("V20") group of countries, which claim that climate change will have the greatest effect on their populations, called on developed countries to fund their climate-change adaptation efforts, including through an international financial-transaction tax.
World Bank Boosts Climate Funding Levels
October 16, 2015
The World Bank Group has announced that it is seeking to boost its funding for climate change-related projects to $29 billion annually by 2020, raising its contributions to such efforts from 21 percent to 28 percent of its total funding.