AI Accuses U.S. Counterterrorism Officials of Rights Violations
April 22, 2015
Amnesty International ("AI") has published a report seeking the prosecution of U.S. officials whom it accuses of violating international law through participation in the Central Intelligence Agency's ("CIA") detention and interrogation practices against terror suspects beginning in 2001.
Wang: AIIB Distracts from China's Economic Needs
April 22, 2015
In a brief published by the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Hongying Wang writes that China's development of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ("AIIB"), while a diplomatic triumph over the U.S., may not be helpful to the country's long-term economic health.
NGO Calls for "Social Compact" on Internet Rights
April 22, 2015
The nongovernmental organization The Global Commission on Internet Governance has published a paper calling for a new "social compact" among internet users, governments, businesses, and others seeking to provide for security and protect digital privacy in global internet governance.
Activists Sue Dutch Government over Global Climate Agenda
April 21, 2015
A group of campaigners seeking to advance the UN's agenda on global warming has sued the Dutch Government in the country's court system, alleging that it has not done enough to protect its citizens' human rights by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
UN Rights Chief Condemns EU Migration Policies
April 21, 2015
Following the recent capsizing of a boat carrying migrants across the Mediterranean Sea, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein criticized the EU's limited search-and-rescue efforts, justified as not encouraging unsafe crossings, as "a monumental failure of compassion."