UN Pushes Israeli Re-commitment to "Two-State" Solution
March 25, 2015
In a call with re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the leader to re-commit the Israeli Government to a two-state solution with Palestine and pushed him to release tax revenue he says is owed to the Palestinian Authority.
World Bank Seeks Policy Shifts on Climate Change
March 25, 2015
In a recent speech at Georgetown University, President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim called on countries around the world to implement major policy changes in order to confront global warming, including ending fossil fuel subsidies and pricing carbon emissions.
Paper Examines Shifting Power in UN System
March 23, 2015
In a recent paper studying the power of countries in the UN Secretariat, Paul Novosad of Dartmouth College and Eric Werker of Harvard Business School find overrepresentation of small, rich democracies and a waning influence by the U.S.
UN Seeks to Make Tax Committee Relevant
March 20, 2015
Jeremy Scott writes that the UN's committee on international tax matters is seeking to compete with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to create a model tax treaty to be taken seriously by the international community that would bind multinational corporations around the world.
Minister Calls for Expanded OSCE-CoE Cooperation
March 20, 2015
The Belgium Foreign Minister and current Chair of the Council of Europe's ("CoE") Committee of Ministers Didier Reynders has called on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") and the CoE to further cooperate to confront issues such as intolerance and rule of law threats throughout Europe.