Russia Submits North Pole Claim to UN Body
August 11, 2015
Based on what it says is scientific evidence of conditions under which it can gain exclusive control of the territory under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea ("UNCLOS"), the Russian government has submitted a petition claiming control of new territory, including the North Pole, to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.
Moynihan: AI Prostitution-Rights Proposal Offends Dignity
August 10, 2015
Journalist Carolyn Moynihan writes that a proposal presented at an Amnesty International ("AI") conference in Dublin calling for the recognition of a human right to the decriminalization of prostitution, a proposal previously championed by a UN agency, would demean human dignity.
SDGs Test US Role in Global Governance
August 06, 2015
Michael Igoe writes that once they garner more attention from the media and politicians, including US presidential candidates, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), which include targets in areas such as economic inequality and the climate, may produce a high-profile debate about the US role in supporting the SDGs and global governance.
UN Official Seeks Greater Integration of Rights in SDGs
August 05, 2015
A letter from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein calls for governments to do more in the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), which set out targets for development to be achieved by 2030, to promote "economic, social, and cultural human rights" and to monitor the treatment of these rights.
Kalb Urges Caution in Global Governance Solutions
August 05, 2015
Lawyer and author James Kalb writes that as top-down global solutions - often preferred by elites - are not always preferable to "uncontrolled processes" that occur on local and regional levels, people should emphasize realism and exercise caution in using global governance to solve problems around the world.