International Organizations

  • NGOs Call for Human Rights Assessments for Trade Agreements

    July 06, 2015

    Nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") and human rights activists have called for the performance of "human rights impact assessments" to evaluate the potential impact of proposed US trade agreements with Asian and European countries on "economic, social, and cultural human rights" in these regions.

  • Development Banks Report $28 Billion in Climate Contributions

    July 06, 2015

    In a recent report, a group of six large multilateral development banks calculated that they had provided $28 billion in support of the UN's agenda of countering climate change and adapting to its effect in 2014.

  • AI: All US States Violate Global Lethal Force Standards

    July 01, 2015

    Amnesty International ("AI") has published a report accusing all 50 US states of failing to follow international law on police use of deadly force and calling for immediate reform to comply with global standards.

  • UN Agency: Remove Barriers to Sexual Rights

    July 01, 2015

    The UN's World Health Organization has released a report calling for countries to remove legal and regulatory barriers to "sexual and reproductive health rights," which the report says are human rights that include access to contraception and abortion.

  • UNGA Calls for Development of Ocean Biodiversity Treaty

    July 01, 2015

    The UN General Assembly ("UNGA") has adopted a resolution that calls for the development of a "comprehensive global regime" that addresses the conservation of biodiversity on the high seas.

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