International Organizations

  • NGOs Express Mixed Reaction to G7 Climate Pledge

    June 10, 2015

    The Guardian reports that some nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") are not satisfied with the pledge by leaders of the G7 group of countries at a recent summit to phase out carbon use by the end of the century, with some calling for an immediate limitation on long-term fossil fuel projects.

  • Academic Seeks UN Scrutiny of Ireland on Economic Rights

    June 10, 2015

    Dr. Liam Thornton of University College Dublin argues that the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights should "hold Ireland to account" for its record on these nontraditional rights as the country sought in recent years to respond to a financial crisis by cutting back expenditures on social programs.

  • Schaefer: Freedom at Stake in Internet Governance Shift

    June 09, 2015

    Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation explains why the stakes are high for freedom of expression in recent negotiations over the potential transfer of oversight of the internet from private actors to a global governance body that could be influenced by authoritarian national governments.

  • Patrick Calls on G-7 to Advance Global Governance

    June 09, 2015

    Stewart Patrick of the Council on Foreign Relations recently called on the G-7 group of countries, meeting at Schloss Elmau in Germany, to push forward global governance in areas such as health, economic growth, and combating global warming.

  • UNESCO Seeks Development Goals on Freedom of Expression

    June 09, 2015

    Highlighting the expansive scope of the UN's proposed Sustainable Development Goals and the lack of objective tools to measure their achievement, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") has called for the goals to include promotion of the freedom of expression around the world.

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