Sessions: TPP Deal May Advance Global Governance
June 08, 2015
US Senator Jeff Sessions has expressed concern that a "living agreement" provision in the Trans-Pacific Partnership ("TPP"), currently in negotiation between the US and Asian countries, would create a TPP Commission that advances global governance at the expense of US sovereignty.
WHO Adopts Resolution on Climate and Health
June 08, 2015
With participating countries stressing the importance of countering climate change to health, the annual assembly of the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") recently adopted a resolution calling on countries to pursue policies to reduce air pollution and promote the UN sustainability agenda.
French Minister: UN Climate Deal Must Sidestep US Congress
June 08, 2015
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has stated that a UN global climate agreement countries are negotiating this year must be worded in such a way to avoid consideration by the US Congress because he says the body will refuse to adopt such a deal.
OSCE Pushes "Environmental Security" in Kyrgyzstan
June 05, 2015
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") recently held a roundtable session in the capital of Kyrgyzstan on how to achieve "environmental security" in the country.
UN Committee Grants Group with Hamas Ties Observer Status
June 05, 2015
Fox News reports that the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations has granted observer status to the Palestinian Return Centre, which critics and Israeli officials say is an arm of the Palestinian group Hamas that denies the right of Israel to exist.