IMF Pushes Initiative on Natural Resources Revenue
October 22, 2014
The International Monetary Fund ("IMF") is cooperating with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative to pressure governments to expose data on the revenue they receive from companies in the extractive sector.
World Bank Calls for Adoption of Universal Health Coverage
October 22, 2014
The President of the World Bank Group has published an op-ed calling on countries to follow the example of countries like China and Brazil in adopting a program of universal health coverage in order to improve their economic prospects.
Bayefsky: UN Purveys Terrorist-Friendly Ideology
October 22, 2014
Anne Bayefsky writes that the UN has been a key platform for states that support terrorism, and groups like the Organisation of Islamic States ("OIC"), to divert the public's attention from horrific terrorist acts and toward their "root causes," which they generally identify as Islamophobia, Israel, and Western foreign policy.
U.S. Accuses UNDP of Mishandling Police Funds in Afghanistan
October 22, 2014
According to U.S. officials, the UN Development Fund ("UNDP") is seeking to avoid responsibility for failing to prevent the Afghanistan Government from allegedly siphoning off approximately $200 million from a trust fund UNDP administered to pay the country's police force.
Experts Call for Rejection of UN Internet Control
October 22, 2014
Brett Schaefer, Paul Rosenzweig, and James Gattuso write that the U.S. should reject the plan proposed by Russia and other countries to impose government control on the internet by placing it in the hands of the UN's International Telecommunications Union.