UN Official Criticizes EU Migration Proposal
May 22, 2015
UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants François Crépeau has labeled the European Commission plan to deal with illegal migrants to the EU "woefully inadequate," calling for broader legal avenues for migrants to enter Europe and for the EU to repress "labour exploitation" in the bloc.
Russell: UN Bureaucracy Slows Sex Abuse Policy
May 21, 2015
George Russell writes that proposed UN reforms seeking to deal with allegations of sex abuse by the organization's peacekeeping forces are mired in bureaucratic delay.
UN Officials Push Global Governance of Small Arms Trade
May 21, 2015
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein recently briefed the UN Security Council on the need for further enforcement of the UN's Arms Trade Treaty and for more authority to be granted to the UN to combat the "proliferation" of small arms.
UN Agencies Cooperate on Sustainability Agenda in Europe
May 21, 2015
The UN Environment Programme and the UN Economic Commission for Europe have agreed to cooperate to further the UN sustainability agenda in Europe, in part by pushing countries to integrate sustainability into their development policies and their education systems.
Bank of America Accepts NGO Calls to Cut Coal Investments
May 21, 2015
The Guardian reports that, under pressure from a group of environmental organizations, Bank of America has announced a plan to reduce its exposure to coal extraction projects in a recently published policy statement.