Barroso Calls for "New World Order"
September 24, 2014
In a recent speech to the Yale School of Management, President of the European Commission José Barroso promoted global governance and called for the establishment of a New World Order.
White House Launches Initiative on Foreign Civil Society
September 24, 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a Presidential Memorandum directing U.S. agencies "to defend and strengthen civil society" in foreign countries and establishing "Regional Civil Society Innovation Centers" to train and connect nongovernmental organizations across the globe.
Koonin Counters UN's Claimed Consensus on Climate Change
September 24, 2014
Computational physicist Steven Koonin writes that the claims of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC") that the science on climate change is "settled" ignores the low reliability of IPCC predictions on how natural phenomena will influence the world's future climate.
China Builds Institutions of Global Governance
September 24, 2014
An article in The Economist observes that Chinese attempts to build multigovernmental institutions based on regional security and economic cooperation is an attempt to challenge the West by building "a new world order."
UN Seeks Development Based on Income Equality, Reproductive Rights
September 24, 2014
In a recent speech, the Director of the UN Population Fund called on governments to focus on accomplishing the UN's "sustainable development" agenda by ensuring sexual and reproductive health rights, often interpreted to include abortion, and reduction of income inequality.