International Organizations

  • UN Rights Chief Condemns EU Migration Policies

    April 21, 2015

    Following the recent capsizing of a boat carrying migrants across the Mediterranean Sea, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein criticized the EU's limited search-and-rescue efforts, justified as not encouraging unsafe crossings, as "a monumental failure of compassion."

  • UN Criticizes U.K., EU over Handling of Migration

    April 20, 2015

    The Guardian reports that UN High Commissioner for Refugees Laurens Jolles blames election rhetoric and politics in the U.K. and other EU countries for what he views as an insufficient rescue operation for migrants in the Mediterranean, and calls for broader legal avenues for migration to Europe.

  • NGOs: U.S. Undermines Human Rights Standards

    April 20, 2015

    Meeting at Hunter College in New York City, a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") offered a preview of the U.S.'s upcoming UN human rights review by criticizing the country's record on human rights, including access to health care, water shutoffs in Detroit, and various counterterrorism measures.

  • UN Officials Criticize Military-Based Counterterrorism Approach

    April 17, 2015

    Two UN Special Rapporteurs have issued a press release calling on countries to "re-think" approaches to counterterrorism based on law enforcement and military responses in favor of a human rights-based approach that confronts non-religious causes of terrorism.

  • UNOHCHR Pressures Israel over "Administrative Detentions"

    April 15, 2015

    The UN Office of the High Commission for Human Rights ("UNOHCHR") has called for a halt to Israel's detention of Palestinian prisoners under administrative orders by either releasing the prisoners or prosecuting them "with all the judicial guarantees required by international human rights law."

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