NGOs Push World Bank on Human Rights Agenda
April 15, 2015
As the World Bank begins its spring meetings in Washington, D.C., a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") have called on the World Bank President to integrate the global human rights agenda in the development bank's environmental and social policies.
HRW: French Surveillance Measure Violates International Law
April 15, 2015
Human Rights Watch ("HRW") argues that draft legislation under consideration in the French National Assembly that would broaden government surveillance authority and require private companies to retain user data would violate French obligations under international human rights law.
Ericsson Adopts NGO Human Rights Reporting Framework
April 15, 2015
A "Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report" from communications company Ericsson claims to be the first such report in its sector to follow the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, created by the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Shift and Mazars to push corporate human rights reporting.
Economist: UN's Development Goals Will Fail
April 14, 2015
An article in The Economist argues that the UN's proposed set of Sustainable Development Goals, a list of 169 targets relating to poverty, infrastructure, and the climate to be achieved by 2030, is an unrealistic wish list that "is being set up to fail."
Report Raises UN Accountability Concerns
April 14, 2015
The nonprofit Government Accountability Project has released a report that finds "fundamental shortcomings" in the UN's system of accountability for peacekeeping missions.