International Organizations

  • Mariaschin Criticizes "UN-Imposed" Israel-Palestine Settlement

    April 10, 2015

    Daniel Mariaschin of B’nai B’rith International writes that the UN, which he argues has been biased against Israel in negotiations over the creation of a Palestinian state, should not be the source of an "imposed" settlement mandating a two-state solution to the conflict.

  • Paper: Arctic Council Should Reject EU Membership

    April 10, 2015

    A Heritage Foundation paper argues that the U.S., which will soon become the chair of the multilateral policy forum The Arctic Council, should use its chairmanship to safeguard national sovereignty in the Arctic by blocking the application of the European Commission to become an observer at the Council.

  • Shapiro: China Efforts May "Upend" World Order

    April 09, 2015

    Jeremy Shapiro of the Brookings Institution writes that China's efforts toward global governance, including its establishment of an Asian Infrastructure Development Bank that competes with Western development banks, may be a sign that China is rejecting the current Western-based "international order."

  • U.S. Protesters Call for UN Investigation of Police Shooting

    April 09, 2015

    The Associated Press reports that a group of protesters in Wisconsin are calling on the UN Human Rights Council to investigate the death of a man at the hands of a Wisconsin police officer because of their lack of trust in the U.S. and state justice system.

  • Palestine Seeks UN Timetable on Two-State Solution

    April 09, 2015

    The Associated Press reports that the Ambassador of Palestine to the UN Riyad Mansour says Palestine is "ready and willing" to seek a UN Security Council resolution that would set a timetable for the creation of a Palestinian state.

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