International Organizations

  • EU Commissioner Highlights "Alliance" with UNESCO

    March 18, 2015

    EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics has recently emphasized a "strategic alliance" between the European Commission and the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") in promoting an agenda on citizenship education and culture.

  • UN Panel Emphasizes "Sexual and Reproductive" Rights

    March 18, 2015

    At a UN panel during the annual Commission on the Status of Women, participants called for countries to recognize and attain "the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health" rights, often interpreted to include abortion rights.

  • UN Launches Climate Negotiation Training Initiative

    March 18, 2015

    The UN Environment Programme has announced that, in order to assist representatives from developing countries in negotiating a climate agreement at an international conference in December 2015, it has launched an initiative to teach these representatives "key negotiation skills."

  • UN Supports Efficiency Alliance Among G7

    March 18, 2015

    Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme Achim Steiner has praised Germany's plan to create an alliance for resource efficiency among G7 countries - the countries with the seven largest economies - and pressure other governments around the world to adopt the UN's environmental agenda.

  • Reding Calls for Global Investment Court

    March 18, 2015

    Member of the European Parliament Viviane Reding has called for the negotiations on a trade agreement between the EU and the U.S. to lead to the establishment of an International Investment Court to set rules on investment throughout the world.

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