Groves: U.S. Should Oppose UN Autonomous Weapons Ban
March 11, 2015
Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation writes that the U.S. Government should counter attempts of activists and UN officials to restrict development of "lethal autonomous weapons systems," which engage targets without human input, in order to maintain its lead in the creation of military technology.
CIGI Welcomes Broader Participation in Global Financial Governance
March 11, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a paper praising the wider participation among countries with "emerging economies" in the global governance of financial standards.
CIGI Seeks Global Governance for Sovereign Debt Issues
March 11, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published an update of UN negotiations over a global system of sovereign debt restructuring and how it is seeking to close the "global governance gap" to create an international system for the resolution of these issues.
Experts Call on U.S. to Push for UNRWA Reform
March 11, 2015
Brett Schaefer and James Phillips of the Heritage Foundation write that the U.S. should push for reform of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ("UNRWA") to focus on its original mandate to resettle Palestinian refugees and to cut any ties with the terrorist organization Hamas.
EJOLT Creates Map of Corporate Environmental Impact
March 11, 2015
The Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade ("EJOLT") project has launched a Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, showing, among other things, a world map cataloging local "resistance" to corporations that are allegedly having impacts on the environment.