Lawyer Resigns from UN Gaza Commission
February 11, 2015
Anne Bayefsky writes that the resignation, due to lack of impartiality, of international human rights lawyer William Schabas from a commission established to investigate "war crimes" allegedly instigated by Israel in Gaza "disgraces" the UN Human Rights Council apparatus.
Study Analyzes Global Human Rights Governance Through NHRIs
February 11, 2015
Professor Tom Pegram of University College London writes on the effectiveness of UN institutions' "orchestration" of national human rights institutions ("NHRIs") in advancing their goal of global governance of human rights issues.
Booker: UN Climate Push Based on Faulty Data
February 11, 2015
Christopher Booker writes in The Telegraph that U.S. government organizations and institutes have adjusted weather station climate data, relied upon by the UN, governments, and climate activists to push limits on greenhouse gas emissions, to mask declining temperatures in the latter half of the 20th century.
UN Agent Calls for More Open European Border Policy
February 11, 2015
UN special rapporteur François Crépeau has called on the EU and its member states to widen the "official channels" through which migrants can enter their borders and to develop policies that are based on the human rights of migrants.
UN Chief Seeks Development Based on "Social" Factors
February 11, 2015
In recent remarks to the UN Commission for Social Development, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for development not simply to be based on economic growth, but also on social and environmental concerns.