WHO Calls for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases
January 21, 2015
In a new report, the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") has called for countries around the world to implement policies to combat noncommunicable diseases, including policies countering tobacco use, alcohol intake, and physical inactivity.
UN Creates New Role to Advance Climate Agenda
January 21, 2015
In its efforts to drive forward negotiations on a worldwide greenhouse gas emissions deal prior to a December climate conference in Paris, the UN has announced that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Janos Pasztor as its first-ever Assistant Secretary-General on Climate Change.
UN Somalia Funding Diverted from Intended Recipients
January 21, 2015
George Russell writes that UN investigators have found three nongovernmental organizations claiming to do relief work in Somalia on behalf of the UN diverted aid money into their own pockets, and potentially to a terrorist group, through fake invoices and false reporting.
UN Approves Palestine Bid to Join ICC
January 14, 2015
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has announced that the Palestinian Authority's application to join the International Criminal Court ("ICC") was successful and that the ICC's statute, which enables the court to investigate alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza, will enter into force in Palestine in April 2015.
Article: U.S. Must Pressure UN on Palestine
January 14, 2015
Brett Schaefer and James Phillips of the Heritage Foundation write that the U.S. must maintain a strong line on UN funding in order to prevent the organization from derailing the Israel-Palestine peace process by accepting Palestine's claims of statehood.