International Organizations

  • UN Agent Calls on World Bank to Push Human Rights Agenda

    December 03, 2014

    In a recent op-ed, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Philip Alston chastised the World Bank for failing to politicize its approach to development by promoting the UN's economic, social, and cultural rights agenda.

  • UN Agents Seek U.S. Release of CIA Detention Report

    December 03, 2014

    A group of UN special rapporteurs has published a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama calling for him to release, despite opposition from the Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA"), a report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on CIA interrogation procedures in the years following the September 11 terrorist attacks.

  • UN Assists Argentina in Avoidance of Debt

    December 03, 2014

    Brett Schaefer and Terry Miller of The Heritage Foundation write that, by sparking UN proposals for a global sovereign debt restructuring mechanism, the Government of Argentina is seeking to avoid responsibility for its decision to default on its sovereign debt.

  • UN Committee Criticizes U.S. Police Practices

    December 03, 2014

    In its review of the U.S. record of preventing torture, the UN Committee Against Torture expressed concern over alleged "frequent and recurrent" police violence and called for an independent investigation of every instance of alleged excessive use of force.

  • Article Lauds Advance of Global Governance "Architecture"

    December 03, 2014

    In a recent article, two proponents of global governance highlighted collaboration among countries in recent weeks and "progress in strengthening global institutional architecture."

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