CIGI Finds "Troubling" Decline in Global Economic Governance
November 12, 2014
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a report expressing concerns over finding a decline in the willingness of countries to cooperate in global economic governance, including on such issues as sovereign debt and a binding agreement on greenhouse gases.
UN Seeks Sustainable Development Education at "All Levels"
November 12, 2014
At a recent conference hosted by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO"), UN officials called for countries to implement the organization's "Education for Sustainable Development" initiative and education on "global citizenship" in curricula for all levels of learning.
WEF Criticizes Lack of Global Economic Governance
November 12, 2014
At a recent World Economic Forum ("WEF") conference in Dubai, participants complained of "politics" impeding the intervention of global initiatives in dealing with such issues as income inequality and jobless growth in countries around the world.
Kirshner Sees Declining U.S. Influence on Economic Governance
November 12, 2014
Jonathan Kirshner writes that the recent global financial crisis marked a turning point in international economic governance and will lead to a global financial system in which new international institutions will appear in which the U.S. has less authority.
UN Pushes "Sustainable Tourism" Initiative
November 12, 2014
The UN World Tourism Organization has launched a new initiative that will seek to promote shifts in countries' tourism policies to reduce global tourism's alleged impacts on global warming and other environmental effects.