International Organizations

  • UN Agent Expresses Alarm Regarding Domestic Drone Use

    October 29, 2014

    UN Special Rapporteur Christof Heynes has criticized the use of armed drones by authorities in domestic law enforcement as a potential violation of citizens' human rights.

  • UN Human Rights Chief Calls for Increase in Budget

    October 22, 2014

    As the UN continues its expansion of the international human rights agenda, the UN's new High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein has bemoaned the limitations of his office's $250 million annual budget.

  • De Rugy Highlights Bipartisan Call to End U.S. Export-Import Bank

    October 22, 2014

    Veronique de Rugy writes that rather than pursuing a proposal to consider further funding for the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which finances foreign purchases of U.S. goods, Congress should heed calls from a chorus of experts against the reauthorization of the bank.

  • UN Agents Demand Restoration of Access to Water in Detroit

    October 22, 2014

    Two UN rapporteurs investigating whether the City of Detroit engaged in human rights violations in shutting off the water of customers who did not pay their bills have stated that the city must restore access to water in order to uphold these customers' "most basic human rights."

  • UN Sustainability Report Calls for "Sexual and Reproductive Health" Rights

    October 22, 2014

    A report produced by UN Women calls on governments across the world to include women's "empowerment" and "sexual and reproductive health rights," often interpreted to include abortion, in their adoption of the UN sustainable development agenda.

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