International Organizations

  • Medical Journal Calls for WHO Action on Climate Change

    October 08, 2014

    Asserting that the "mayhem" caused by climate change is potentially greater than that caused by the ebola outbreak, a journal owned by the British Medical Association has called for the World Health Organization ("WHO") to declare global warming a public health emergency.

  • Vatican Counters UN Committee Comments on Child Rights

    October 08, 2014

    The Holy See's official response to the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, upon the Committee's recent review of the Vatican's report, asserts that the Committee has manifested "a lack of respect for the text" of the treaty upon which it is based.

  • CIGI Report Claims IMF Overreach in Funding for Ukraine

    October 08, 2014

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has released a report arguing that the International Monetary Fund ("IMF") stretched its own standards in providing funding for the Ukrainian Government and "is not fully equipped to deal effectively" with the problems of this country.

  • Report Calls for Global Governance of Dual Citizenship

    October 08, 2014

    A report from the Centre for International Governance Innovation has called on the UN to take control of an international framework on dual citizenship and to enshrine principles identifying dual citizenship as a human right.

  • NGO Pushes Investors to Report Fossil Fuel Divestment

    October 08, 2014

    The Asset Owners Disclosure Project is placing pressure on institutional investors to disclose whether they are advancing the international agenda against climate change by divesting from "high carbon assets."

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