International Organizations

  • HRC Seeks Global Governance of Sovereign Debt

    October 01, 2014

    The UN Human Rights Council ("HRC") has adopted a resolution calling for governments to develop an international framework for the restructuring of sovereign debt and blaming financial companies seeking repayment of such debt for tampering with "economic, social, and cultural rights" in developing countries.

  • Netanyahu Condemns "Militant Islam" Influence on UN

    October 01, 2014

    In an address to the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the UN Human Rights Council for its "biased" investigation of alleged human rights violations by Israel in the recent Gaza conflict and warned that Iran could "bamboozle" the UN in attempts to secure nuclear weapons.

  • Treaty on Global Governance of Arms Trade Will Enter into Force

    October 01, 2014

    Despite concerns that it may be used to crack down on gun ownership around the world, the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which sets international standards for the transfer of weapons, has been ratified by the requisite 50 countries and is therefore set to enter into force in late 2014.

  • OSCE Promotes International Standards on Judging

    October 01, 2014

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") has released a publication containing "international standards" for judicial independence and efficiency, including legal opinions by the European Court of Human Rights and other multinational bodies.

  • HRC Creates Position on "Unilateral Coercive Measures"

    October 01, 2014

    The UN Human Rights Council ("HRC") has adopted a resolution creating a "Special Rapporteur on the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights," sponsored by Iran to counter embargoes by countries like the U.S. against human rights-violating regimes.

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